What Happened on November 5, 1991

Historical Events

  • Kiichi Miyazawa elected premier of Japan
  • Richard J Kerr ends term as acting director of CIA

Famous Deaths

  • Fred MacMurray, American actor (Double Indemnity, The Apartment, My Three Sons), dies of pneumonia at 83
  • Robert Maxwell, Czech-British billionaire publisher, politician and fraudster (Mirror Group, NY Daily News), drowns at sea at 68
Died in 1991 1991 Highlights

About November 5, 1991

Day of the Week: Tuesday
How Long Ago? 32 years, 9 months and 20 days
Leap Year: No

Music Charts

  • US #1 Song: Cream - Prince And The N.P.G.
  • UK #1 Song: Dizzy - Vic Reeves & The Wonder Stuff

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